Sandelin lab alumni

Eivind Valen
At the Sandelin lab: PhD student
Then: Postdoc at Harvard University
Now: Associate professor, Principal investigator, Bergen University

Troels Marstrand
At the Sandelin lab: PhD student
Then: Postdoc at Princeton University
Now: Senior bioinformatics, Leo Pharma Inc

Jasmina Ponjavic
At the Sandelin lab: Project student
Then: PhD at Oxford University
Now: Senior International Business Leader at Roche Molecular Systems
Robin Andersson

Xiaobei Zhao
At the Sandelin lab: PhD student
Now: Postdoc at Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Ilka Hoof
At the Sandelin lab: Postdoc
Now: Senior bioinformatics, Alca Bello Inc

Johannes Waage
At the Sandelin lab: PhD student
Now: Postdoc, Copenhagen University Hospital Gentofte
Mette Jørgensen
At the Sandelin lab: PhD stundet
Now: Industrial postdoc, Chr Hansen APS
At the Sandelin lab: Postdoc
Now: Assistant professor and junior group leader, University of Copenhagen
Berit Lilje
At the Sandelin lab: PhD student
Now: Scientist at Statens Serum Institut